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Ricotta + Orange Donuts


250g Ricotta

85g Flour

1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

2 Eggs

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/4 cup Sultanas *Optional

1 tbsp Marsala

1 tbsp Caster Sugar + 2 tbsp for Topping

Zest of 2 Oranges

Neutral Oil to Deep fry


Put your sultanas in a little bowl and add the Marsala, put them in the microwave for 30 seconds. This will help the sultanas absorb the liquid, let them sit and cool.

In your mixer bowl add in your eggs and sugar and beat them on high for about 4 minutes till they've doubled in size and become pale and fluffy.

Pour the mixture into another bowl, then back in your mixer bowl add in the ricotta, zest of 1 orange, vanilla and the Marsala from the sultanas. Beat it for a minute on high till the ricotta is nice and smooth and then lightly combine it with the egg mixture. You want to keep as much air in the egg as you can. once that's mixed add in your sultanas and sift in your flour and baking powder.

Fold everything together till combined.

You can let the mixture sit or you can cook them straight away.

In a big bowl add in your remaining sugar and the zest of the second orange, use your fingers to rub them together. Leave this bowl next to your stove.

To deep fry I use a deeper but smaller pot that way I need to use less oil.

Add the oil to your pot and heat it to 180°c - you should be able to drop a little bit of dough in the oil and it will puff up and float, but not brown too quickly. If you cook them hotter than this you'll notice that they'll brown on the outside but will be stodgy and raw on the inside.

A trick to stop the mixture from sticking to the spoon is to dip the spoon in a bit of oil before you scoop your dough. You can use another spoon to help get the mixture in the oil or you can do like I do where I scoop with one spoon and push the mixture off the spoon with my finger.

Cook the donuts for about 3 - 4 minutes in total, turning them as they brown. keep an eye on them and the oil, remember you don't want it getting too hot. Once they're ready add them to the sugar and orange bowl and toss them around.

I'm not even going to tell you when these are best served, they won't last till then.

Enjoy x


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