Feeds 4
600g Cauliflower Rice (grated raw cauliflower)
2 Zucchini - Sliced
1/2 cup Frozen Peas
1 Clove of Garlic
2 Spring Onion - Sliced
1 tbsp Butter or Ghee
EV Olive Oil
1/3 - 1/2 Cup Cream
2 tbsp Parmasen
Method Heat a pan with a drizzle of oil and a half the ghee/butter then add the spring onion, garlic and zucchini. Cook for a few minutes then add the rest of the butter/ghee, the cauliflower, peas and a sprinkle of S+P. Constantly stirring, cook for another minute or so till they slightly brown. Add in your cream and Parmesan and cook for a further few mins till your happy with the texture and tenderness. Finish with some fresh parsley and a few slices of spring onion.
Enjoy x
My Tip: I serve mine as a side to either grilled chicken on salmon.