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Vegetable, Cheese + Quinoa Fritters

Makes - 25


2 Cups cooked Quinoa - (3/4 Cup uncooked) 1 Carrot 1/4 Red Capsicum 1 Zucchini 3 Spring Onions 2 Eggs 3 Tbsp Plain Flour 2 Tbsp Cottage Cheese 2 Tbsp Feta Cheese 2 Tbsp Colby Cheese (or tasty, edam, cheddar etc) 1 tsp Parsley + Coriander S + P


Get your Quinoa cooking first and by the time it's ready you'll have finished the rest of the steps. I use a mandolin with a fine julienne but you can use a grater. Shred the carrot and zucchini and put them in a bowl.

l with a small sprinkle of salt. Mix them around and in a few minutes you'll be able to squeeze out all the excess liquid from the zucchini. This means you wont need to add more flour than needed. Finely chop the spring onions, capsicum and herbs and together with the cheeses add them to the bowl. Once the Quinoa is done I run it under cold water to cool it down so i don't have to wait. Make sure you drain it well and mix it together with the rest of the mixture. At this point you can taste it and season. Next crack in your eggs, mix and add in your flour. Give it a final mix to make sure its all smooth and combined. Heat a non stick pan, I use a tiny bit of coconut oil and spoon in the mixture. Cook each side till golden brown, about 2-3 minutes per side. Serve with a blend of sour cream + sriracha.

Enjoy x

My Tip: You can use a food processor for the mixture but make sure you leave out the Quinoa and mix it in last!


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