1/4 Cup Self Raising Flour
1 Cup Oats
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg
1 Cup Of Buttermilk Or (make your own with Milk + Few Drops Of White Vinegar or 1/2 Lemon)
1 Tablespoon Of Maple Syrup or 1 tsp Raw Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla
Tiny Pinch Of Salt
To make your buttermilk, add milk to the blender and add in the lemon/vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes and it will begin to curdle and give you instant buttermilk.
Add the rest of the ingredients into your blender and blend for 15 seconds.
You can let the mixture sit for a bit which will make the batter lighter, but this is optional.
Pour the batter into a squeezy bottle and make large dots on your non stick pan. Cook till lots of little bubbles appear on the surface and then flip them.
Add them to a bowl with some fruit, a drizzle of honey and pour in some milk (optional).
Enjoy x