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Healthy (NOT FRIED!) Potato Crisps


Sweet potato or normal potato Olive oil Salt Baking paper

Method Using a mandolin thinly slice your potatoes, the thinner the slices the quicker they cook. In a bowl drizzle the slices with a little bit of olive oil and salt. Use your hands to mix them around to make sure all the sides are coated. Cut a piece of baking paper and place it on the base plate of the microwave, lay all as many slices as you can fit on one layer. This should be cooked one layer at a time but i actually put another layer of baking paper and repeat the process, about 3 layers higher..i'm impatient! The crisps will take between 4-10 minutes depending on the thickness of your slices and your microwave. You need to keep an eye on them. The first time you make them, watch them while they cook so you understand the steps they go through.

First they go soggy, then they dry up but go chewy and pretty quickly after that they harden completely and go super crispy.

Its better to take them out earlier, check them and put them back in for another 30 seconds. If you are doing a few layers like me, you still have to do the last drying stage in single layers. Its really only the start of the cook that this helps save time for you.

So just remove each layer and place one in at a time for a few more minutes to harden up. Once they cool they will become even crispier. Enjoy x


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